Primary Residence 1-4 Units
- 90% LTV to $1.5M: purchase or rate/term
- 80% LTV to $2.0M: purchase 80/10/10
- 80% LTV to $2.0M: purchase or rate/term
- 75% LTV to $3.0M: purchase or rate/term
- 70% LTV to $5.0M: purchase or rate/term
- 65% LTV to $5.0M: cash-out
Second Home 1 Unit
Non-Owner Occupied 1-4 Units
Cross Collateral
- 75% LTV to $2.5M on owner occupied
- 70% LTV to $3.0M on owner occupied
- 65% LTV to $5.0M on owner occupied
- 70% LTV to $2.5M on non-owner occupied
- 65% LTV to $5.0M on non-owner occupied
Delayed Purchase Loan considered a delayed purchase if borrower paid cash or obtained interim financing for the property |
Departing Residence Use rent from departing residence to offset mortgage payment
40-Year Term 75% LTV to $3.0M on primary residence and second home
Interest Only 75% LTV to $3.0M on primary residence and second home |
Asset Depletion Utilize additional income from eligible assets amortized over the life of the loan at the 30-year Treasury bond rate
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)/Boarder Income May be used if on tax return; rent schedule accepted if property is a purchase with ADU
Portfolio Highlights
- Average all borrowers’ middle FICOs to calculate the average qualifying FICO
- Gift funds 100% accepted for primary residence
- 47% DTI: Owner Occupied
- 45% DTI: Non-Owner Occupied
- All info noted is subject to change at anytime without notice